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Regionalisme Economy |
Concerns Regarding The Development Of The World Economy
That the motion and the intervention of the national Government on the wane, as weakened bythe power of multinational corporations and the owners of capital. Power is no longer amonopili country, but moved and grown increasingly strong in MNC. So that the necessaryalternative thinking to create a healthy economic order.
Regionalisme been born earlier than globalisme. Regionalisme and economic integration are the two things that are inseparable because they appear regionalismeakan encourages the occurrence of economic integration, and conversely occurrences regionalisme also begins withthe formation of economic integration among countries in the region. Economic Regionalism isthe design of the implementation of a series of special policies between groups of countrieswithin the region which aims to increase the exchange of goods as well as factors of productionbetween the Member States. Economic integration formed include the integration of trade andmonetary integration.
Understanding Regionalisme
Regionalisme rooted from the region said by Ravenhill are known as social construction that have official members and a clear definition of the brick. The region was then teregeionalisasi,indicated by an increase in the level of economic dependence with geographic boundaries are clear, and becomes an entity called regionalisme. Synonymous with cooperation, peace, integration is generally wrapped in a framework of a geography. Cooperation, integration andperdamainan which are the keywords of this regionalism is the fruit of thought among liberalsinstitusionalis where regional institutions is a prerequisite for realizing comprehensiveintegration.
A. Systems Theory
Underline the importance of the theory outlines the structure of the economy and the broaderpolitical as well as the impact that can be given by outside parties against the region itself.
B. Regionalisme and Interpendensi
Post World War dominance of the super power is lost so that regional powers began to try todominate. Interpendensi between region gave rise to konlfik security from the inside while the threat of intervention from outside.
This theory has three views:
1. Neofungsionalisme
2.-Neoliberal Institutionalism
3. Regional Identity
C. Theory Of Intra Regional
This theory places the work of Mackinder's theory of Heartland that was originally aimed at creating market together in transnational economic interests. Regional institutions Regionalismeis seen as a solution to various problems indicated collective action brought about byinterpendensi because:
1. Institutions affect decision making in the calculation of cost and benefit.
2. Reduce transaction costs
3. Provide information and transparency
D. theory in Domestic Level
Regional organization seen from the internal similarity owned member countries (history, tradition, ethnicity, banana, etc.). The focus is viewed regionalisme regionalisme relationshipwith glasses of the coherence of the State as well as the type of regime and democratisation.
Political Economy Regionalisme
Regionalisme is a policy and state project where State actors and non-State actors work together and coordinate strategies for the sake of achieving a particular area of interest in, with the aim of seeking and promoting shared objectives in one or more issues. The impact of globalization against regionalisme due process of globaslisasi gives birth to a multipolar world order, which then gave birth to the centres of power of the new economy in the form ofeconomic blocs are consolidation (integration).
Economic integration formed include the integration of trade and monetary integration. Tradeintegration can be shaped as a Free Trade Area (FTA), Custom Union (CU) and the CommonMarket (CM). FTA is the simplest form of integration in which its members agree on free tradefor the region, internal interior by CU external tariffs by together, a more integrated and more are the CM also approved the transfer of production factors (natural, labor, capital,entrepreneur).
In addition to trade integration, integration in the monetary field are also formed with the purpose to get the currency is stable and reliable monetary institutions in order to find a solution from the fragility of global capital markets as well as revitalizing the stagnated trade.The new integration is deeper integration due to an agreement to eliminate tariffs andregulatory barriers.
Economic integration is characterized by free trade cooperation, but economic coordination a challenge for developing countries in dealing with it. The needs for human resources andadequate infastruktur, are often the biggest obstacle. Issues relevant to public service inconditions like this is no longer how countries should adjust itself against economic regionalism, but how an area should be able to establish a pattern of regional cooperation that suits thecharacter, not just an imitation of system integration which had existed previously.
Reasons Of Economic Integration
Interaction because of similarities in the history and culture of the region made a deal becamemore accessible. Regionalisme felt more able to counteract the problem of income distributionbetween countries. Costs of transport and communication is smaller when cooperation regionalin scale of conducted on a global scale. Regional cooperation can also avoid the interest ofother countries outside the region and boost economic growth.
Negative Implications
The existence of regional disparity because of the gap between rich and poor countries in theregion. Ekonmi-theory of agglomeration economic geography explain where the concentration of economic activity, which will have an impact on economic growth, will only occur in areas closer to the resources and industry. Core and periphery countries occurred in the region which can be said to be a gap at a regional level.
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