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History Of Western Philosophy |
The birth of Philosophy in Greece.
The birth of philosophy in Greece is estimated to be in the 6 century BCE. The incidence ofphilosophy in that place called a miraculous event (the Greek Miracle). There are bebeparafactors already preceded and as if preparing for the birth of philosophy in Greece. K. Bertensmentioned there are three factors, namely:
1. in the nation of Greece, as well as in the surrounding Nations, there is a rich mythology as well as extensive. This Mythology may be regarded as a pioneer that precedes philosophy,because the mite-mite was already an experiment to understand. Mite-mite already givesanswers to questions that live in the human heart: from which our world? From which the eventsin nature? What causes Sunrise, and sunset again? Through the mite-mite, people looking forinformation about the origin of the universe and about the events that take place in it. The firstkind of Mite that find out about the origins of the universe itself is usually called a kosmogonismite, while the second kind of mite that find out about the origins and nature of the events in the universe called cosmological mite. Specifically at the Nations Greece is that they made some effort to craft a mite-mite told oeh folk into a systematic whole. In an effort that has alreadyseen the rational nature of the nation of Greece. Because by finding a systematic whole, they have expressed a desire to understand the relationship of mite-mite to each other and get rid of the mite that can not be matched with other mite.
2. Literature of Greece.
The second work of poetry of Homer, each titled Ilias and Odyssea has a special position inGreece kesusteraan. Poetry-poems in the works a long time used as a sort of educational booksto the people of Greece. In the dialogue named Politeia, Plato says Homer has educated all overHellas. Because the poems of Homer is very favored by the people to fill the time terluang andsimultaneously also has educational value.
3. Influence of science which at that time was already present in the ancient East. The people ofGreece are certainly indebted to other Nations in accepting some elements of knowledge from them. So is the science of measuring and computational science in part comes from Egypt. AndBabylonia there must be pengaruhya in the development of the science of astronomy in the land of Greece. But the participation of other Nations in the development of science Greeceshould not be overstated. The people of Greece have been processing the elements above the top ways that never provision unexpected by the Nations of Egypt and Babylonia. The newGreece science got the pattern truly scientific.
In the 6th century Bce started developing a completely different approach. In the sixth centuryBC, appeared in Greece-thinker thinker with renewed vigor, which began using the logos(reason, ratio) to approach issues in the universe. Struggle between mythic tendency, for example, that the Rainbow is the goddess who served as messengers of the gods anotheropponent tendencies logically, occurs in the description of a first generation philosopherXenophanes, who called the Rainbow as a cloud. A century later Anaxagoras had learned thatthe Rainbow occurs from the reflected light of the Sun in the clouds, slowly growing theawareness of philosophy. An important distinction between mythic tendency with the trendsfound in the rational nature of mythic events which could not be checked his righteousness,whereas rational events, searchable by anyone, so open the possibility to debate their resultsfreely and to the public.
Since that time people started looking for answers about the rational problem-the problemposed by the universe. Logos (reason, ratio) replacing the mythos. Thus philosophy was born.
The Role Of Philosophy.
Centuries of human intellect held captive in the prison of tradition and habit. In prison, peoplefall asleep in the mystical nature packed with versatile things secret are revealed through mythand mite. Man take it for granted all the Fables and superstitions of the utterance withoutfurther mempersoalkannya. People assume that because all the fairy tales and superstitions thatare a part of the substantial legacy of ancestral tradition, that tradition is being right and not be bothered-Jolt, then fairy tales and superstition that must be true and cannot be disturbed-plaintiff.
Therefore, the people of Greece, who is said to have "a tremendous rationality", also believe in the gods that sit on the table in Olympus while shake heaven with the cheers and laughter of aparticular endlessly. They believe in the gods deceive each other each other, sneaky, oftenrebellious and sometimes like bad boys.
The situation lasted long enough. The presence of the philosophy has been to break down the doors and walls of tradition that is so sacred and so long as it cannot be disturbed-plaintiff.Although busting it takes long enough, the fact that history has proven that philosophy really has acted as one that is astounding.
Philosophy not just break down the door of the prison, traditions and customs which are full ofvarious myths and mite, but also claimed the man out of the prison. The philosophy of freeingmankind from ignorance and stupidity. Similarly, the philosophy of freeing mankind from the bondage of mythic and mystical way of thinking.
Indeed, the philosophy has been, is and will continue to strive to liberate mankind from the lack of knowledge that causes human beings to become petty and shallow. Any freeing mankind from the philosophical way of thinking which is not regular and not clear. Philosophy alsofreeing mankind from the uncritical way of thinking makes people receptive to the truth – the truth of all that is misleading.
In summary it can be said that the philosophy of freeing mankind from any kind of "prison" thatnarrow the space motion of human minds.
How does philosophy can liberate mankind from any kind of "prison" to narrow the spacemotion of human minds that? Indeed, philosophy was only able to carry out its role assupervisor.
The philosophy of freeing mankind from the mystical ways of thinking and the mythic withguiding humans to think rationally. The philosophy of freeing mankind from the insular ways of thinking and shallow with a guide humans to think broadly and more deeply, which isuniversally thought while attempting to reach the radix (depth) and find the essence of a problem. The philosophy of freeing mankind from an irregular way of thinking and not clearwith guiding humans to think systematically and logically. The philosophy of freeing mankind from a way of thinking that is not intact and so fragmentary with guiding humans to think in an integral and coherent.
B. The Western Philosophy Of Periodization.
History of Western philosophy is divided into four periods:
1. The age of the Philosophy of ancient Greece (600 – 400 BC)
A. The Pre Socratic.
B. The Philosophy Of Ancient Greece's Golden Era.
C. Helinistis and Roman Period
At this time appears multiple streams: Stoisisme, Epikurisme, Eklektisisme, Skepticism, NeoPlatonism.
2. Medieval Times
The middle ages experienced two periods: the period of Patristic, Scholastic Period.
3. Modern era
The modern era began with the renaissance which means kelaiharn again, namely the attempt to revive the classical culture (Greece). The most important updates are visible in the philosophy of the renaissance it ' antroposentrisme'nya. The center of attention was no longer thinking of the cosmos, such as Ancient Times, or God as the middle ages, but rather human. This is themodern era began the man considered to be the focal point of the reality.
4. The present/Post modernism/contemporary
The present starting on 19th and 20th with the onset of various influential streams such asPositivism, Marxism, Existentialism, Pragmatism, Neo Kantianisme, Neo Tomisme andPhenomenology.
The age of the philosophy of Ancient Greece (600 BC – 400 BC)
Ancient times include time of pre-Socratic philosophy in Greece. His characters are known by the name of the first philosophers or philosophers of nature. They look for the parent element(arche) which is considered the origin of all things. According to Thales arche was water,Anaximandros argues arche's ' unlimited ' (to apeiron). Anaximenes arche that air, Pythagorasarche that numbers, that fire, the arche Heraklitos he also argues that these things keep flowing(panta rhei). Parmenedes says that everything is still not moving.
The Golden Age Of The Philosophy Of Greece
At the time of Pericles in Athens led by political activities and philosophy can thrive. There areparty people who are good at public speaking (rethorika) named after the sophist. Their activities are taught knowledge on young people.
That became the object of his investigations into human nature but is no longer, as said byProthagoras, ' man is the measure for all things '. This was opposed by Socrates as saying ' thatis right and good that should be viewed as objective values that uphold high by everyone. ' Due to these utterances Socrates was executed.
The results can be found on the Socrates thought his student Plato. In his philosophy of Platosaid: the reality is entirely divided into two worlds that are open only to the five senses and the world that is open only to the ratio of the us. The first world is the physical world and the second world of ideas.
The opinion criticized by Aristotle as saying that the existing human-human it is concrete. The 'Ideas man ' not found in reality. Aristotle was a philosopher, a realist and his contributions to the development of science. Donations are still used in science is about abstraction, i.e. rationalactivity where a person gaining knowledge. According to Aristotle, there are three kinds ofabstraction i.e. physical mathematical abstraction, abstraction, and the metaphysical.
Abstraction that wanted to capture the sense of by removing the individual elements to achievequality is the physical abstraction. Whereas abstraction where the subject catches quantitativeelements with elements of qualitative called mathematical abstraction. Abstraction in whichsomeone captures the elements that are essential to the exclusion of other elements is called ametaphysical abstraction.
Aristotle's famous theory is about the material and form. Both this is the metaphysical principles, the material is not specified, the principle that while the form is the principle. The theory is known as ' Hylemorfisme '.
Helinistis and Roman period.
At the time of Alexander the great has developed a culture of trans national culture calledHellinistis, because culture is not limited to Greece again in Greece cities alone, but includes alsoconquered the whole area of Alexander the great. In philosophy, Athens remained a centre is animportant, but developed another intellectual centers, especially the city of Alexandria. If the end of the Roman expansion extending to the territory of Greece, that does not mean the endof culture and philosophy of Greece, the Roman Empire ever since the doors opened wide to receive the cultural heritage of Greece.
In philosophy still growing but at that time there was no philosopher who truly great unlessPlotinus.
At this time appears multiple streams:
1. Stoisisme.
According to understand this universe is dictated by the powers of the so-called ' Logos '.Therefore all events take place according to the statute cannot be avoided.
2. Epikurisme.
All things consist of atoms which are constantly moving. People will be happy if this world orderwant to admit and should not be afraid of the gods.
3. the Skepticism.
They think that the theoretical field of human beings cannot achieve the truth. Their generalattitude is a doubt.
4. Eklektisisme.
A general trend that is taking a variety of elements, the philosophy of the other brancheswithout successfully reaching a truly thought-provoking.
5. Neo Platonism.
I.e. understand who wants to relive the philosophy of Plato. Tevye is Plotinus. The entirephilosophy revolved around God as ' the one '. Everything comes from ' one ' and want to come back to him.
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