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Classical realism |
"The World of International Politics as It is, rather than How We Might Like It To Be"
Classical realism is a highly influential approach in international relations. As a paradigm, realismis not only giving philosophy values contained therein, but also form a structure that describesthe study of international relations, including security strategic studies or studies in it. In respect of international relations is, compared to the world as what we want (Burchill 2005:31)
Classical realism believed the nation-state or country, is an actor who has the highest politicalauthority. As with humans, the country also has a desire to dominate other countries, which can trigger the onset of conflict or war. This approach assumes that the world is an insecure regionwhere international region is a battlefield of conflicts between countries. These conditionsdescribe the way a pessimistic realism point of view will create a perdamainan in the interactions between countries (Walt 1998:31). Therefore, the classical realism of international conditionsthat have looked at the characteristics of the conflict, suspicion, and competition between countries.
Looking at the world is identified as Morgentau area "disabilities" caused by human nature tend to be pushy. Form of compulsion is caused by a conflict of interest between countries, thereforeeach country need to be berasoisasi with the overbearing power of dibandingakan against it(Burhill et all., 2005:78). According to Morgenthau (1985:4-7) there are 6 (six) the fundamentalprinciple that explains the political values in the perspective of classical Realism, i.e.:
1. Politics are influenced by the objectively postulates rooted in human nature. Propositions orlaws that freeing for us to have the assurance and confidence to predict political behavior
2. Keywords to understand international politics lies in the concept of interest defined as power.This concept describes the relationship between reason try to understand international politicsand the fact that must be understood. The ideas for the benefit of defined into pegertian powerthat expresses the real behavior of politicians. Political conditions did not make room for moralsor ethics, unless prefensi national interest defined capabilities into the strategy and economics.
3. moral principles which are universal not guide the behavior of the State. political behavior of the State berasoisasi with political consequences so that the moral principles that universal does not affect the action of the State in political action. "fiat Lady Justice, pereat mundusí" or "letjustice be done even if the world perish".
4. classic mengansumikan Realism that the main interest of the concept that defines power asan objective category is valid. The atmosphere of political, cultural and strategic environmentgreatly influence the power of a country in choosing and determining the use of power. A period of time will only determine the type of power that continues to change according to thechanging times.
5. look at the realism of no moral principles that can be universally accepted. Although countriesin time to time always trying to justify perilakuknya with emphasis on ethical values, moral use of language just to justify and meligitimasi behaviors that are designed to achieve interests through power. When countries stated the moral principles that are universal, which sebetunyathe moral principles are simply the values of Nations or certain cultures try defined widely. The benefit is a standard raw refers to how political behavior is executed.
6. atmospheric environment intellectually, politically autonomous nature of each environmentthat may affect human attention. Is it legal, moral, environmental and economic. The form ofautonomous political environment which allows us to understand the international regionanalytically indistinguishable from other intellectual fields. The difference is in the standardthinking and uniqueness criterion in analyzing and mengelavuasikan behavior (defined interestsinto power). The main argument lies in how policies affect the power of a nation, which explainsthe focus of intellectual analysis in autonomous environment.
The sixth principle of the political context in the perspective of classical realism describes a form of scramble for power among countries in realizing the national interests. The context of thescramble for power or camps of power is the thing that can not be inevitable. In other words, the condition of peace, not a form or permanent condition in the international system.Perdamainan in the international system is only an interlude between two wars. The sentencewas very trusted by the realist, because they assume that the country needs to achieve securityof war by building strength as a form of preparation for threats. The increased power isaccumulated strength to achieve the national interest of the country while keeping its securitybecause the ai could not rely on the help of other countries. (Stean and Pettiford)
The accumulated power to security lies in the nature of the konfliktual in the interactions between countries which can not be inevitable. To face the political potential that leads to the onset of the war, then the State needs to be strong as betnuk menghasapi preparation of war and can occur at any time. Realists assume that attempts to abolish war is simply utopian desireand objective truth menaifkan about the reality of international politics.
The reality of international politics, for the realist, is simply the field competition between thecountries diwainai the atmosphere of konfliktual as a result of a conflict of interest in achievingsecurity. The thought-provoking context in line with the international political conditions that explain that power has always been the essence of the State. This is a strategic thought to gainpower as a part in achieving security. Classical realism for the essence of power languageMorgenthau, "man's control over minds and actions of other men" (Morgenthau 1985:13).Therefore, this thinking see military power as the capacity of the State to guarantee securitywhile providing the capacity to achieve the goals that are more specific (Stean and Pettiford: 2001:30). Power played an important role in warding off threats from outside at the same timeprovide space motion in achieving national interests beyond territorial. The power of a countrycan be seen in some factor that mejelaskan how much power or national power a country:
1. Geography
2. Natural resources
3. Industrial Capacity
4. Military Readiness
5. The population of the
6. National character
7. the fighting spirit of the nation
8. Diplomacy
9. Governance
The tendency of countries in preparing its power to achieve security by relying on the strength of its national context, explain the thinking of classical realism that emphasizes military strengthwith capability development is not dependent on any other country. Factor in the geography ofa country is one of the forces that affect the projections of a country's foreign policy. On the other hand, the role of the natural resources of a country determines the quantity of natural resources that support the empowerment of national industry capabilities, such as geographicalmaterials, natural resources and capacity suber industry nationwide is three factors prepared the country to create a formidable military power.
The military strength of the Penctiptaan implemented to create various types of weaponry that has high-tech capabilities supported by the quality of leadership that will have high-techcapabilities supported by the quality kepimimpinan that will determine the quality and quantityof military temput the power of a State. The larger the size of the population of a country, the greater the national strength of the country anyway, is not entirely true. These conditionsexplain that the magnitude of the population of a country which has a motivation to improvehis strength still lies in the existence of the population. Factor in the empowerment of national industries and human resources remain dependent on the value of a country's population.
The power of a country also affected by factors of national character and fighting spirit of anation State. national character, reflecting the influence of owned a country so determines thescale of quality of countries in the international politics, while the fighting spirit of the nationgave the impact of national support in the mendeteminasi a range of foreign policy in the context of war and peace. On the other hand, the quality of the diplomacy of a country have an important role in building the national strength of a country. Diplomacy can function as a meansand objectives of foreign policy in harmonize all national resources into a national effort inimplementing the policy direction of the political State in the relations between Nations. While the pemerinthan form of a State role in combining several factors to build national strength.Natural and human resources, as well as towards a policy of the country relies on a form of Government that should be able to become an independent factor in balancing the entire assets of the State as a national power in pursuit of national interests.
National power factors is a elements to explain the magnitude of the national forces of a nation in its national strength membagun. Measurement of the strength of the national force, as described below:
Power = (T + P + E + M) X (S + W)
In this formulation, P indicates the Power or how a country understands the Power of other countries. While C represents Criticak Mass a country made up of two indicators, namelypopulation and territory. The value of population lies not in feeding a population of solely butput more emphasis on the capability and quality of the people. E represent the role of EconomicCapability or capabilities of the economic ability of the economy of a country, while explaining the Military Capability or military capabilities. S represents the Strategic Purposes or purposes ofstratgis between the W is the Will or the ability or the desire of the country to realize its nationalstrategy. The first three variables (C, E, M) to the variable terkuantifikasi in support of theimplementation of the strategic goals of the State and support in realizing the national strategy(Cline 1975:140)
The power of a national of a country that is composed of several actors are into considerationthat determine a country's national strength in achieving national security. The tendency of the State to achieve security requires countries to prioritize the various policies the countryindicated to obtain assurance of the security of the political conditions of international anarchy.In the condition that it is this anarchy, the State needs to maintain the existence of a threat to other countries. The atmosphere of anarchy that points on the shape of the konfliktual relationsbetween countries, as well as the nature of a country that has a tendency to reach securityforces the creation of a competition between the State security cederung security policy thatgave birth to the expansionist dharmasetu.
The tendency of countries in the various security policy that gave birth to the expansionist dharmasetu primary assumption is based on the classical Realism viewed international politicsas competition anta security policy. These conditions force countries to maximize its powerrelative so that berkonsekuensi on the conditions of zero sum that increasingly distanced fromcooperation, as well as the risk of cheating in cooperation that gave birth to the atmosphere ofthe keuatan competition between countries. The atmosphere of competition among countries indominating other countries through the development of force to achieve hegemony point lies in the efforts of each country to counterbalance the power of other countries. Powerequalization step is known as balance of power or the balance of power against other countriesin an attempt to prevent the domination of another country (Schmidt 2007:51).
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