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Medieval Philosophy |
The Medieval Era.
The medieval period had considerable differences with the previous century. The differencesmainly lies in the dominance of the religion. The onset of Christianity taught by Prophet Isa as at the beginning of the century A.d. brought major changes against religious beliefs.
Christianity became the problem of abstract speculation because it teaches that revelation ofGod who is the real truth. This contrasts with the view of ancient Greece said that truth can be achieved by the ability to reason. They have not known the existence of the revelation.
Regarding attitude towards the thought of Greece there are two:
a. The reject altogether the thought-provoking Greece, because Greece is the thought ofunbelievers, because it does not admit the revelation.
b. Accept the philosophy of Greece and said that because of the man of God's creation, then thewisdom of man means wisdom that comes from God. It might make sense not to be able to reach the real truth. Because it then makes sense can be helped by the revelation.
The philosophy at the time of the middle ages experienced two periods:
a. the Patristic Period.
Patristic comes from the Latin word ' patres ' which means the church fathers, are members ofthe Christian religion in the twentieth century the beginning of Christianity.
This period experienced two stages:
1. The beginning of Christianity. After experiencing various difficulties mainly on the philosophy of Greece, then the Christian religion established themselves. Strengthen the Church and outinto a set of dogma-dogma.
2. Philosophy of Augustine, who was a famous philosopher in the time of patristic. Augustineviewed the dogma-dogma as a whole.
b. the Scholastic Period.
Scholastic period lasted from the year 800 – 1200 M. This period is divided into three stages:
1. the early scholastic Period (9 – 12).
Characterized by the formation of the methods was born because of the relationship that the meeting between religion and philosophy. That appears at the beginning was the question ofUniversalia.
2. Scholastic development of peak periods (13th century).
Characterized by circumstances that influenced by Aristotle due to the arrival of the Arab and Jewish philosophers. The peak of development on Thomas Aquinas.
3. the scholastic Period end (14 – 15)
Marked with those thoughts that develop in the direction of nominalisme, the flow is of the opinion that universalism does not give a clue about the same aspect and the public about the existence of something. Common understanding only moments that do not have valuesobjective truth.
Modern Era.
The modern era began with the renaissance means rebirth, namely the attempt to revive theclassical culture (Greece). The most important updates are visible in the philosophy of the renaissance it ' antroposentrisme'nya. The center of attention was no longer thinking of the cosmos, such as Ancient Times, or God as the middle ages, but rather human. This is themodern era began the man considered to be the focal point of the reality.
The background and implications of the Renaissance are:
a. Pudarnya political power and spiritual power that resulted in the birth of the ideals of the spirit of renewal and liberation.
b. Berkembangannya of the soul and the spirit of individualism.
c. Conflict (discussion) between individualia and universalia ended with victory individualia. The consequences which arise (implications):
People/citizens will no longer accept the dogma/religion that describe it there hands on manrespectively.
-The views of the institution of substansialistis and methods of scientific deductive approach,was defeated by inductive methods and empirical to discover the truth-the truth of theindividual.
d. incidence of sense of pride towards wealth and human degree movies. This symptomindicates its manifestation to the confidence that a human being with freedom, with optimalvalue for individualists with scientific ability. feel able to master the universe.
The Modern era is characterized by the rise of rationalism Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650), b.Spinoza (1632 – 1677) and g. Libniz (1646 – 1716). They stressed the importance of humanminds or ratio.
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