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The Modern Times Philosophy |
The Philosophy Of Modern Era
The modern era began with the renaissance means rebirth, namely the attempt to revive theclassical culture (Greece). The most important updates are visible in the philosophy of the renaissance it ' antroposentrisme'nya. The center of attention was no longer thinking of the cosmos, such as Ancient Times, or God as the middle ages, but rather human. This is themodern era began the man considered to be the focal point of the reality.
The background and implications of the Renaissance are:
a. Udarnya political power and spiritual power that resulted in the birth of the ideals of the spirit of renewal and liberation.
b. Berkembangannya of the soul and the spirit of individualism.
c. Conflict (discussion) between individualia and universalia ended with victory individualia. The consequences which arise (implications):
People/citizens will no longer accept the dogma/religion that describe it there hands on manrespectively.
-The views of the institution of substansialistis and methods of scientific deductive approach,was defeated by inductive methods and empirical to discover the truth-the truth of theindividual.
d. incidence of sense of pride towards wealth and human degree movies. This symptomindicates its manifestation to the confidence that a human being with freedom, with optimalvalue for individualists with scientific ability. feel able to master the universe.
The Modern era is characterized by the rise of rationalism Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650), b.Spinoza (1632 – 1677) and g. Libniz (1646 – 1716). They stressed the importance of humanminds or ratio.
In the 18th century with the famous era of enlightenment, Einlighment or Aufklarung figureswith the advent of empiricism. The terms were derived from the word empeiria Greece which means ' sensorial experience '. And were vote experience as the main source of introduction andintended him is good experience of the world regarding outward or batiniah experienceconcerning the human person only.
The figures were in the United Kingdom include John Locke (1632 – 1704), George Berkeley(1684 – 1753) and David Hume (1711 – 1776) in France, Jean Jacues Rousseau (1712 – 1778) andin Germany, the criticism with Tevye Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804). Besides, it also marked the emergence of the flow of idealism as j. Fichte (1762 – 1814), f. Schelling (1775 – 1854) and g. w.Hegel (1770 – 1831).
The Present.
The present starting on 19th and 20th with the onset of various influential streams such asPositivism, Marxism, Existentialism, Pragmatism, Neo Kantianisme, Neo Tomisme andPhenomenology. These branches are very bound by the circumstances of the country or the language environment, resulting in the development of analytic philosophy was the last bornsince 1950.
Positivism began on philosopher August Comte (1798 – 1857). A. Comte (sociologist) States thatevery human thought, the thought of every science and thinking human ethnic groups generallypass through three stages, namely:
-The theological Stage.
-The metaphysical Stage and
-' Positive Phase-scientific
In the theological stage humans believe that behind the natural symptoms there aresupernatural powers that set the function and movement of any of these symptoms. Thesepowers are regarded as beings that have a ratio and the will as human, but people believe thatthey are on a higher level than human beings. The theological phase itself can be shared againover the three periods. On the most primitive level objects themselves are considered soulless(animism). At the next level of humans believe in gods who each ruled a particular field; God of the sea, the mountains, the God of lightning and so forth (polytheism). And at a higher levellonger human looking one God as ruler of everything (monotheism).
In the metaphysical, supernatural powers were replaced with concepts and abstract principles, such as "nature" and "cause". The metaphysics of high esteem in this stage.
Finally in the positive phase is no longer laboured to find the causes of that there is behind the facts. In this positive human stage limit itself on the facts presented to him. On the basis ofobservation and using the ratio he attempted to establish relationships or sequence containedsimilarities between the facts. New in the last stage of science is produced in the real sense.
In the twentieth century positivism renewed in neo-positivism, a stream that had its origin in Vienna. Therefore the philosophers of this flow is called members of the Vienna Circle ' '.
Karl Marx's dialectical materialism and shown with historical materialism.
In the doctrine of dialectical materialism ' fact ' that we're finally just consists of material that isdeveloped through a dialectical process (tesa – antitesa – synthesis). One of the principles ofdialectical materialism is that changes in terms of quantity can result in a change in terms of quality. That means that an event on a quantitative level can produce something completelynew. That's the way life is derived from dead matter and consciousness emanate from a humanelife of Organists.
The process itself is actually the absence of Hegel's thought is also used by Karl Marx. Hegel'sdialectic thought process always consists of three phases. There is a first phase (thesis) showinghis opponent (the antithesis), i.e. the second phase. Finally came the third phase of the first and second phase of reconciling (synthesis). In sistesis that the thesis and the antithesis of being "aufgehoben", says Hegel. Germany said it had more than one meaning and that meaning allallude to Hegel. At one party "aufgehoben" means: repealed, abolished, no longer valid. And itis indeed meant: because of the synthesis, then the thesis and antithesis is no longer there; has expired. But on the other hand the word means also: appointed, is brought to a higher level.And it also meant Hegel: in synthesis, there is still a thesis and antithesis, but both were raisedto a new level. In other words, the synthesis of both thesis as well as the antithesis of the newexistence gets. Or in other words again, the truth contained in the thesis and antithesis remainsstored in the synthesis, but in the form of more perfect. And this process will be continued. The resulting synthesis can be a thesis also featuring antithesis again and finally both can bereconciled into a new synthesis.
On the teaching of "historical materialism", mind basically is that the direction is completelydetermined history or dideterminir by the development of the means of production that arematerially. For example, if we select tillage, then the development of the means of production ispacul, plow, machine, etc. When the means of production is itself the fruit of the work of man,but the direction of history is independent of human will. According to the opinion of Karl Marx's human even held its history, but he is not free in its hold. As well as its own material, anyhistory of dialectical basis instead of dideterminir mekanistis.
Kemanakah direction of historical development? Karl Marx's belief that human history isheading a State specific economical, i.e. communism, where private property will be replaced bythe Commons. The development towards a phase of this history will take place in absolute and is unlikely to pass. But man can accelerate this process by being more aware and withrevolutionary action based upon the awareness of it.
Existentialism is prepared in the 19th century by s. Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) and f. Nietsche(1844 – 1900). In the 20th century Existentialism became a very important philosophic. Fisluf-the greatest philosopher of Existentialism: k. Jaspers, m. Heidegger, J.P. Sartre, g. Marcel andMerleau Ponty.
Existentialism is a philosophical look at all the symptoms with rises to existence. In general the word existence means of existence, but in the philosophy of Existentialism expression has the meaning of existence. Existence is the way human being in the world. How the human being in the world are way different objects. The objects are not aware of its existence, also the one next to the other, without relationship. Not so the way humans are. Man is together with the objectsof it. They were being mean because people. In addition the human being together with our fellow human beings. To differentiate between two ways of being in the philosophy ofExistentialism, it is said that the objects "being", human being "bereksistensi". So just is people who bereksistensi.
The existence of the word comes from the word ex (out) and sistensi, which is derived from the verb sisto (standing, put). Therefore the existence of the word translated: man standing as himself with out of him. Humans are aware that he exists.
Bereksistensi by Heidegger, Dasein is called from the word da (there) and sein (be), so the word is meant to be there, that is in place. Humans always put myself in the middle of the surrounding world, so he was involved in the natural surroundings and unite with him. Howeverhumans are not the same as the surrounding world, not the same as the objects of humanreason, are aware of the existence of it.
The tenets of Existentialism is not only one. Actually Existentialism is a philosophical streamswhich are technical, which terjelma in the various systems, one different from the other.However there is also the same characteristics, which makes systems that can be labeled asExistentialism. It shared characteristics include, according to Aaron Hadiwijono (1990) is
1. the principal Motive is what is called existence, namely the way humans are. Only is people who bereksistensi. Existence is a typical way humans are. Center of attention is the man.Therefore humanistic nature.
2. the Bereksistensi should be defined dynamically. Bereksistensi means creating himself activelybereksistensi means, do, become, plan. Any time a human being becomes more or less than it was.
3. In the Existentialism of man is seen as open. Man is a reality that is not finished, that remains to be established. In fact man tied to the surrounding world, terlebih-lebih to his fellow man.
4. Existentialism put pressure to concrete experiences, existential experience. Only the meaning of this experience. Heidegger gave pressure to the death, who menyuramkan all things, Marcelto religious experience and the Jaspers to a diverse life experiences such as death, suffering,struggle and mistakes.
The method of phenomenology is derived from e. Husserl (1859 – 1938) and then developed by, among others, m. Scheler (1874 – 1928) and m. Merleau Ponty. Phenomenology of says that we should introduce the symptoms by using intuition.
The word "phenomenology" comes from the word Greece fenomenon, i.e. something that looked, that looks radiant, which is due in Indonesia called the "Symptoms" section. So thephenomenology is a flow which discuss the phenomenon, or a symptom of something thatappeared.
The word fenomenon (abbreviated: fenomen) or symptoms can be used in various meanings.The words of fenomen or symptoms can be disputed with the "reality". Fenomen is not the real thing, but the thing that was challenges. Thus the words of fenomen can mean "pseudo". Exceptthat the word fenomen can be used as opposed to "his own", so the fenomen or symptoms, meaning "apparition"
In a third meaning of fenomen phenomenology philosophy was not used. According to thephilosopher a phenomenology of fenomen followers don't necessarily have to be observable bythe senses, because fenomen can also be seen or traced spiritually, without passing through thesenses. Fenomen also doesn't need to be an event. So what could be interpreted fenomenappeared in itself.
Phenomenology, psychology who simply want to take note of what is seen, without seekinginformation regarding the cause of these symptoms were observed. Husserl said ' go back tothe things themselves '. The objects must be given the opportunity to ' talk '.
Through the phenomenological description of the sought after Wesenchau: see (intuitively)substance ' symptoms.
Three types of ' reduction '
This reduction-reduction get rid of all the things that interfere with if we want to reachWesenchau:
get rid of everything that is subjective. Our attitude should be objective, open to the symptoms that should be ' invited to speak '. Reduction of Eidetis., i.e. ' delay in parentheses ' traits thatexistential or aksidental of the object. Our attention is entirely directed only at its essence, hisfact or eidos.
get rid of the entire knowledge about the objects investigated are obtained from another source, all the theories and hypotheses. Phenomenological Reduction.
get rid of the whole tradition of knowledge. Everything that's been said by others should be, for a while, forgotten. If the reduction-reduction is successful, the symptoms themselves may beexposing themselves, can be ' fenomin '. The Transcendental Reduction.
Pragmatism is the philosophy of the flow was born in the United States around 1900. The most important figures of pragmatism: w. James (1842 – 1920) and j. Dewey (1859 – 1914).Pragmatism taught that ideas are not ' right ' or ' wrong ' but rather that ideas made true by aparticular action.
Pragmatism is a flow which teaches that true is what proves itself as true by the results that are useful practically. Grip pragmatism is the logic of observation. This flow is willing to accepteverything, just bring a practical result. Personal experiences he received, the origin is beneficial, even mystical truth is seen as valid as well, the origin of the mystical truths that bring usefulpractical consequences.
Neo-Kantianisme and Neo-tomisme.
Neo-Kantianisme developed especially in Germany. Philosophy in this flow is considered acritique of science and epistemology. The most important figures of the neo-kantianisme that e.Cassirer (1874 – 1945), h. Rickert (1863 – 1936), h. Vaihinger (1852 – 1933). Neo-tomismegrowing in the Catholic World in many countries in Europe and in America.
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